BHRR Historical and Technical Society
This area of the web site is run by the fine men and women of the Bunker Hill Railroad Historical & Technical Society. Please consider joining the BHRRHTS. Our members are known as "Keepers." We have two types of Keepers, and every member in good standing is eligible to be either kind of Keeper or both. The first type of keeper is the Keeper Of Our Knowledge (KOOK). Kooks are responsible for maintaing the stories of our railroad by commiting them to memory, pen and paper and in digital format. The other class of Keeper is responsible for maintaining the physical history of the railroad, and we call these Keepers of the Sacred, Historic, Important and Treasured. That's a cumbersome name, but so far nobody has suggested a workable acronym. We have an extensive warehouse of artifacts ranging from full sized locomotives, revenue equipment and maintenance of way equipment, down to the smallest objects like spikes and nails. We also have a large assortment of ephemera including time tables and work log books. We also keep an assortment of our classic dining car china from the three name trains the railroad ran during its passenger era.
Our railroad, like so many others, is organized by division and branch. Learn more about the historic and scenic divisions and branches of the Bunker Hill Railroad.
We believe our people are our most imporatnt asset and we do everything we can (except increase pay and benefits to something above industry average) to hire the best people. We want you to meet our team and see what kind of people are your partners in transportation and logistics. Here, we offer up brief biographies of our current board of directors, the managment staff, and the boots-on-the-ground leadership of the railroad. We also provide additional insight into the founding fathers of our railroad empire. Step in and get to know us better!
The best advertising is a happy customer. So we here at the Bunker Hill Railroad make sure that all of our customers are very happy. Sure, we've had a few resolutely unhappy bastards among our customer base, but we quickly put that kind out of their misery so they don't spoil our Yelp ratings. But don't take our word for it, visit here to see for yourself how happy our surviving customers are. You too will decide there is no better operation to trust your shipments to than the Bunker Hill Railroad.
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Who are you really?
A great philosopher, MIke Ditka, once told reporters after a humiliating shutout playoff victory over the Los Angeles Rams that there were two kinds of people: Smiths. And Grabowskis. "The Rams," Ditka explained, "are a Smith. We're Grabowski."
So who are you? Are you a Smith? Beaten, cold and heading home with nothing to show for it? Good. We're glad there are still Smiths out there, because our competitors are hiring too. And nothing makes us happier than knowing that BNSF, CSX, Union Pacific, Norfolk Southern and the two Canadian giants are loading up their rosters with Smiths.
But if you're a Grabowski, you only have one choice available to you. You need to apply where your spirit of independence, toughness, and roguishness will be appreciated. You need to apply for a job with the best company in railroading today, the best company in America, the best company in the world, the Bunker Hill Railroad. What are you waiting for? Stay golden, Pony Boy, and follow this link to your future at the BHRR.
Customer Chat Line
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Nobody is perfect. Not even us here at the Bunker Hill Railroad. We recognize from time to time that you, our loyal customers, will have a complaint or a problem regarding one of your shipments. And in those situations you don't want to hunt for contact information and you don't want some email that will be completely ignored. You also don't want one of those horribly fake chatbots that try hard to pretend to be human, but are clearly not. So we definitely don't do that. Nope, not us. Nope, we have a staff of real human beings on staff twenty four hours a day seven days a week fifty two weeks a year to speak directly with you when you need help. Click here to access one of our totally human customer service agents.
Company Store
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Visit our company store and fill your shopping bag with our finest made-in-China, but printed-in-my-spare-bedroom-in-the-USA swag. Coffee simply cannot be enjoyed unless it is served from one of our signature coffee mugs. Your computer mouse cannot possibly work properly unless it scrolls over one of our logo mousepads. Your kid will be beat up daily on the playground until they start showing up to school in one of our BHRR backpacks. Every flower in your garden will die a heinous death unless it has the shadow of one of our garden flags cast over it. And no wardrobe would be complete without one of our beloved t-shirts. And every year customers line up by the trillions to be the first to order one of our Bunker Hill Railroad calendars or a box or two of our Bunker Hill Railroad Christmas cards.
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See our finest employees profiled. Through their compelling naratives, you will feel the intensity of their hard work. Their gripping tales will make you feel like you are part of a team solving complex problems under the most difficult conditions and stressful time constraints. Then sit back and relax as our employees gripe about management, gossip about each other, and bore the pants off you with dreadful tales of their mundane lives.
Employee Resources
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Employees should check here for your latest mandatory training videos and safety briefings. Also come here to see those corporate motivation and wellness videos that we are all so terribly fond of and just can't live without.
Community Resources
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Check here for our resources for the community at large. Here you will find our press releases, television commercials, and our media contatcts. Our community outreach team is ready to address the needs of all Bunkers Hill and through these pages you will find our contact points and meet members of the community who regularly interact with us as we strive to be a good corporate citizen each and every time the media or law enforcement are looking.
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Are you a customer, investor or supplier? Would you like to use our automated pricing tool to see how much it will cost to ship your items by our rails? Are you interested in starting a business that needs rail access, and are looking for real estate leasing or purchasing opportunities with existing railroad connections? Then these are the pages for you!
S Scale Weirdos
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An entire page dedicated to making fun of S scale and the lunatic fringe who model in it because man they deserve it.